How can I change my reading friend?
If you are on a desktop, go to 'My Profile' → Click 'Change Reading Friend' located underneath your friend's picture. If you are using the mobile app, go to 'My Profile' → Click the pencil icon located next to your name → Scroll down to the 'Change Reading Friend' section and you may select a new one.
ProgramHow do I change my password?
How do I change my password?
To change your password on the desktop version, click 'My Profile' → 'My History' → 'Edit Profile'
To make these changes on the mobile app, select My Profile' → Choose the pencil icon next to your name
ProgramWhy does the app request access to my photos?
Why does the app request access to my photos?
The app requests permission to access your photos when saving the certificates you receive on the Rewards page.