What is 'Today's Book'?
What is 'Today's Book'?
Highlights Library may recommend a book to read within your reading level on a daily basis. This is an optional feature, so you may or may not be recommended a book every day.
What are the 'Recommended books' and 'Reading Interests'?
What are the 'Recommended books' and 'Reading Interests'?
Recommended books' are books selected based on the user's reading level. 'Reading Interests' are books populated based on the reading interests chosen by the user. This functionality is optional, so you may or may not see books customized based on your interests.
I think the audio is a bit fast. Can I control the speed of the audio?
I think the audio is a bit fast. Can I control the speed of the audio?
You can adjust the speed of the audio using the speed function in the book viewer.
Can I re-listen to a sentence?
Can I re-listen to a sentence?
Yes. To re-listen to the sentence, click on it to hear it again.
What is a Quiz?
What is a Quiz?
A quiz is a test that has five questions.
You take a quiz after reading a book to check your comprehension and vocabulary.
What if I get a low score on a quiz?
What if I get a low score on a quiz?
You can re-read the book and take the quiz again. Please note, your new score will not rewrite the old score but will instead save a new entry.
If I really like a book, can I save it to read it again later?
If I really like a book, can I save it to read it again later?
If you have a favorite book, you can save it in 'My Favorites', which is your own personal library. Hover over or click on the book you want to save and click on the heart-shaped icon or 'My Favorite' button.
Your saved books will be under 'Library' → 'My Favorite' so you can read them whenever you want.
Where can I find a book marked as 'My Favorite'?
Where can I find a book marked as 'My Favorite'?
Books marked as 'My Favorite' will appear under 'Library' → 'My Favorite'.
Where can I check homework the teacher gave me?
Where can I check homework the teacher gave me?
If you go to the 'Library' → 'Assignment', you can check your assignments. This functionality if optional, so you may not see any assignment section.
I can't see anything when I go on the Assignment page.
I can't see anything when I go on the Assignment page.
This means you haven’t been assigned any homework yet.